The Arcane Apothecary

Product details for Sacred Counsul Session.

Sacred Counsul Session

2 Hour - 1 on 1 Spiritual Intensive

Price: $170.00

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Product Details

We are made up of Mind, Body & Spirit, when one aspect of ourselves is out of balance it brings them all out of balance. And in todays world, regaining that balance often requires assistance.
Auron has been working privately with clients and students for almost 20 years, combining ancient knowledge, modern philosophy, & Sacred Ritual, to help them safely navigate the deep currents of Self & Shadow. In this private session with you will gain invaluable clarity and deep insights into your challenges, patterns, and underlying issue. Through the use of Visualization, Meditation, and Basic Ritual Auron’s will help you unravel your motivations & blockages, providing profound understanding & facilitating transformative breakthrough & evolution.

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